Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia

Dec 23-26, 2023

For our typical Christmas family gathering, we flew to Halifax after work on the evening flight. After arrival, we stayed overnight at a nearby airport hotel.

Dec 24

Thankfully the weather was good in the morning for Kim and my dad to pick us up. We arrived in time for lunch and started the season of excess. Between Cathy’s extensive menus, supplemented with my Mom’s Christmas baking, we were very well fed.

We had a lovely dinner and a night of games and visiting.

Dec 25

For Christmas, it looked quite cold, but we were able to get out for a brief walk between eating, visiting and game playing.

After a wonderful family Christmas dinner, we had a bit more time for card games and some movies.

Dec 26

Before we headed to our evening flights from Halifax, we had time for another afternoon feast to make sure that we were fully prepared for our trip home.



