

Oct 13-15

Although we have spent a lot of time in Banff National Park through the years, we had never really spent much time in Banff Village.  When I found availability of a free hotel night in Banff and well-priced flights, I scheduled our last Canada 150 national park trip.  Going this late in October meant the weather was a little risky, but although it was cold and a bit icy, we still managed to explore the town and even find new areas of the park that we hadn’t been to before.  Three trips to Rockies in one year was certainly a lot, but each trip offered something new and a chance to see more of what Canada has to offer.

Oct 14

After staying overnight by the airport, we made our to Banff, checking out some of the normal spots along the highway, and headed up to the very cold Lake Louise, anticipating that crowds may grow later in the day. We managed to find an icy hike before finally making it to our hotel in Banff and exploring the town, including a nice dinner.

After a nice day in the park we had dinner in town and had a well deserved rest.

October 15

Although another winter like morning, it was warming up and we took advantage of our time in park and explored more of the nearby attractions, getting a little better perspective on the area by driving up Tunnel Mountain Road before heading back to Calgary for our flights home.

After a nice morning in the park, we made our way back to Calgary and flew back to Houston and Toronto, ending our 2017 year of the Canadian National Park.



