Iowa City & Des Moines

Iowa City & Des Moines

November 24-29, 2009

This was our traditional Thanksgiving in Iowa.  This time we flew out of Milwaukee, which makes for a long drive, but we didn’t get caught in any bad traffic and the weather cooperated.  This year we did dinner and Rick and Rosie’s house which was nicer than being at the restaurant.  There was a pretty good turn out from Tom’s family in Iowa City, but we were short one of Tom’s nephews, his brother Michael and an aunt and uncle.   When we went back to Des Moines we got to see Michael and his family over a nice dinner.  As is also my tradition I was out shopping before 5:00 am on Friday and found some great deals and still made the spin class at 8:30 am to work off some of the turkey.  

Nov 24
Fly to Milwaukee, drive to Iowa City, then Thanksgiving in Iowa City

Nov 29
After a long drive from Des Moines to Milwaukee we fly home to Toronto




New York City

New York City